Wednesday, 9 September 2015

I've been super lazy recently with my skincare routine and I've also been forgetting to take my Hair Burst pills (which I felt really made a difference to my skin) so, to get back on track I've invested in a new product to keep my skin feeling fresh and clean after I remove my make-up.

This is the Tea Tree Water, £7.95 which is a toner water from Lush and I picked it up from their Kingston branch last weekend, with the help of the absolutely lovely ladies who worked in the store. I watched Lauren Elizabeth (the YouTuber who I share both a first and middle name with) review this product and include it in her beauty favourites and I was dying to try it out.

This water contains only six ingredients, four of which are all natural; Tea Tree Water, Grapefruit Water, Juniperberry, and Limonene. The first of these three ingredients are well known for their antibacterial properties. The grapefruit is great for balancing oily and problematic skin which luckily I don't really suffer with, except a few little mishaps in the T-Zone area. Since using this spray after removing my make-up and washing my face - it's the final step in my skincare routine before my head hits the pillow - two zits I had on my chin have vanished into nothingness so already I'm loving it.

The ladies in Lush did mention that it can be used to remove make-up, I haven't tried this yet as I'm a big fan of the Yes To Cucumbers wipes, followed by a Freederm facewash which together get rid of 99% of my make-up, I will definitely spritz a little on a cotton pad and give it a go soon.

What I liked most about this spray, as I've used tea tree products in the past, is that this one doesn't smell medicinal or like something you'd drink when you've had a cold or the flu for a week. It's only lightly fragranced and there's no lingering smell after you've sprayed it. The bottle is easy to use and the pump distributes the spray evenly so you're not blasted in the face by a stream of toner water!
Do you use a toner? Would you try this one from Lush?

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