Sunday, 9 August 2015

Life has been hectic lately and taking the time out to unwind and relax my mind and body has unfortunately taken a backseat. We all suffer from stressful days, weeks and even months whether it be at school, work or home but just remember that there are ways that you can give yourself some much-needed downtime. Here are some of my favourite ways:

Read a book

Reading can be a pleasant distraction when I'm feeling stressed. I can chill out on my bed and escape to another world for a couple of hours. I also find it really winds down my brain and gets me feeling chilled out and mellow, another reason why reading before bed is also really great.
Hitting the gym/pool

I had no energy or motivation last week to do anything once I'd got in from work except on Thursday when I attended my weekly aquacise class at the pool. The instructor is leaving in a week or two so I really didn't want to miss the last couple of sessions with her and I'm glad I didn't. I enjoyed the 45-minute class and even stayed for an extra half hour to get some lengths in too. It really helped to clear my mind, wear out my body and gave me a great appetite.

Watch a movie with your favourite snack

Eating healthily during the week can be tough, planning meals and counting calories is tricky business so being able to sit down in front of a movie - this time it was The Riot Club which I loved, if you haven't seen it then I totally recommend it - with a little bag of popcorn or a cup of tea and a Kit Kat makes me super happy and content. I turn the lights off, put my fairy lights and candles on for an even more chilled out atmosphere.

Browsing through blogs

Grabbing my iPad and a cup of tea while curling up on the sofa is one of my favourite ways to spend my downtime on a Sunday afternoon. I head straight to my favourite blogs to catch up on any newer posts I may have missed and I also pay my YouTube subscription box a visit to check out any new videos from my favourites.

Relaxing is all about doing things that make you happy, spending time on yourself doing things that you love. Relaxing and unwinding doesn't necessarily mean sitting in front of the television for eight hours straight, nor does it mean hitting the gym and completely wearing yourself out. Relaxing and unwinding is so personal and is all about giving your mind a well deserved rest so it's refreshed and ready to tackle another week of whatever life may throw at you!
How do you choose to relax when you're feeling stressed?

1 comment :

  1. I like reading too but I'm also a bit of a tv junkie lol
