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Friday, 21 August 2015
Although www.LoveFromLauren.co.uk is fairly new, I've still found myself struggling with branding both myself and my blog in a way that will appeal to my readers and followers but also staying true to myself at the same time.
I think when I was using LiveJournal to blog back in the day, I would probably write about anything that came into my head. I wouldn't worry about the URL i used, the style of writing or even the topics I discussed; I would just write about what I enjoyed. Now, that doesn't mean I don't do that now. I made a promise to myself when I began writing here on this blog that I would only write posts that I truly cared about, and not get sucked into the allure of freebies and paid-for style posts. I'm employed full-time at a company I love and work hard for my wage, so I'm much happier spending my money on products for blog posts, of course freebies and samples are lovely to receive and I'm not saying that I would ever turn these away but gone are the days of logging onto sites and submitting applications to review products I probably wouldn't ever buy myself just for the sake of it.
The blogging world has taken off massively lately, with people going full-time with their blogs and turning them into full-on legitimate businesses and I am in total awe of a lot of bloggers for their ability to transform a hobby into a career! I often get distracted reading lengthy articles about turning blogs into a business but at the moment my blog is for my enjoyment and of course the enjoyment of others! I've owned websites before where I haven't had the opportunity to be myself because the websites weren't about my or my life, they were about someone or something else. If I watch a great movie and want to write a post on it then I can, if I read an awesome book and want to share it with you then I can and the best thing is I can be 100% honest and that's what I try to remember every single time I write a blog post.
It's easy to get lost in a world of perfectly photographed, well-designed and professional blogs which, personally, I find extremely aesthetically pleasing for one thing but it would be a pretty dull and boring world if we were all the same people who liked the same things the same way. I often forget sometimes that there's a real person behind some of the blogs I read and I don't want that to happen with my blog, I want you all to read my posts and feel like I'm a real person and that what I write and post about is real and is my life.
If you ever feel like your blog isn't well-designed enough, professional enough or good enough then I can tell you now, as long as you are writing for yourself and staying true to your thoughts and opinions then that will show. I'll do the same and we can all vow to take blogging a little less serious and just enjoy it, you own a whole space on the huge world wide interwebs so make the most of it and do what you freaking feel like with it!
In my opinion, The Maze Runner series written by James Dashner, will give The Hunger Games a run for it's money! It took me a good few chapters to get completely sucked into The Scorch Trials; the second book from the trilogy, but once I was I couldn't put it down.
The Scorch Trials follows the same characters from The Maze Runner, Thomas, Teresa and the other Gladers as they face new threats following their escape from the maze. Solving The Maze was supposed to be the end and Thomas and his friends were sure that escape would mean freedom but WICKED isn't done yet. Phase Two has only just begun. In The Scorch there are no rules, no help, no mercy. You either make it or you die and the Gladers have one challenge; to cross The Scorch and reach a 'Safe Haven' in only two weeks. All bets are off and The Scorch Trials make The Maze look like a stroll in the park...
Like I said before, it did take me a little while to get stuck into this book and I think that was mainly because I read The Maze Runner almost a year ago and saw the movie back in January so the storyline and characters weren't fresh in mind, it took a little while for me to invest in them again. Once I had, I was sucked in by the fast-paced, exhilarating plot which twisted and turned when I least expected. There's no let up in this novel at all and just when you think things might be settling for the Gladers something more sinister and threatening than the last is thrown in their direction.
I don't want to say too much about this novel because I would hate to spoil it for you. After watching the trailer for the movie adaption there doesn't seem to be many similarities between the two so it's not going to matter a great deal if you watch the movie when it's released next month before you read the book. I would still highly recommend adding this to your reading list though, there are so many details and scenes which I'm sure they haven't included in the film, so don't miss out!
I've just started the third book in this series, Death Cure now and have the prequel to the series (but the latest book to be released) lined up afterwards. I know the author James Dashner wanted to expand the post-Flare world but did not want to involve the main characters, resulting in the prequel The Kill Order and the upcoming 2016 release Fever Code. Make sure you keep checking here and over on my twitter @laurenfell for my latest thoughts on this series - spoiler free of course!
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Since I bought my iPhone 6 last October it survived a trip to both Florida and New York before I managed to drop it while trying on clothes in H&M earlier this year, resulting in a cracked screen. Boo. So, I won't be showing you the front of my iPhone but as you can see from the picture above, the back is very pretty indeed!
Now, I do a lot on my iPhone, mainly listening to music, editing Instagram photos, browsing the web and reading blogs and of course keeping up to date on Twitter and Facebook. I also WhatsApp almost 24/7! In this post i thought I'd share what's on my iPhone with you, not my selfie graveyard where all the rejects end up, no, not that. Instead I'll be sharing all my favourite apps for music, image-editing and social media etc. I hope you enjoy!
Recently I had no choice but to organise my apps into neat little folders because I have a weird thing about having to swipe across too many screens, I just don't like it, I know, I'm weird. So let's begin with a little folder called Lifestyle.
- Pinterest - The holy grail of all inspiration and motivation. I am a Pinterest fanatic and am constantly using this app for all kinds of inspo, I actually wrote a blog post dedicated to the app and featured all of my latest pins and obsessions so check that out if you're also a serial Pinner.
- Paypal - Much less interesting than Pinterest but crucial none-the-less. I love me some eBay selling, especially towards the end of the month when I've spent 95% of my wages and realise there's still two weeks left until payday and having the Paypal app on my phone really helps me keep on top of shipments and payments.
- Afterlight - Instagram's filters just don't cut it for me anymore and since downloading Afterlight I have a huge range of beautiful filters and effects to choose from. I also use this app to edit the brightness, contrast and saturation of my Instagram photos.
- Whitagram - This app is pretty simple, it adds a neat little white border or box around my images. I also use the awesome Aviary feature on this app for any editing on photos, ie blemish removal etc cos no-one wants to look at my zits when I'm suffering from a breakout. I certainly don't!
- Diptic - Although Instagram has now included a feature like this, I really like Diptic for creating photo collages and grids. There are so many to choose from and I haven't tried them all yet as I tend to stick the standard old 2x2 grid or something similar but it's perfect for that and you can import straight to Insta if you need to.
- Pixlr - I use the full web version of this app to edit all of my blog photos and I'd never edit them on anything else but the iPhone version is okay for when I need to edit something on the go for Twitter or Instagram. It's useful to keep around just in case!
- Spotify - As a Vodafone user I opted to upgrade to Spotify Premium for free and now I never use the iTunes Music - except when I want to listen to Taylor Swift cos you know, she wasn't about that Spotify vibe. I've created so many playlists, usually filled with terrible (read: freaking awesome) music from the early 2000's.
- Shazam - I am always on the look out for new music and if I'm in a shop/restaurant/watching TV then I will always Shazam songs to see what they are. I think the last time I used the app was in Argos to find out the name of an old Carly Rae Jepsen song that was playing and you know what it's like, I wouldn't have slept soundly that night if I'd been left wondering 'what is that CRJ song?!'
- Netflix - I watch enough Netflix to know it's not music at all but I have nowhere else to store this app and I rarely use it on my phone as it drains the battery so this is where it shall stay. I'm sure I don't need to explain Netflix to you guys, I'm sure you're all on my pizza-loving, Netflix-watching level, am I right ladies? I like to keep the app on my phone for when I'm hooked on a series and want to go to the loo while watching Orange Is The New Black or something equally unladylike.
Of course I have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in this folder but there are a few other apps I use on a regular basis.
- Snapchat - I never send snaps but I follow a few awesome people; Joe Sugg and Arielle Vandenburg for example and I don't like to feel like I'm missing out so every now and again I have a little peek at what's going down on SC.
- YouTube - I am an avid YouTube-watcher and will always watch a video or two before bed and in the morning before I haul my butt up to get ready for work. I do watch on my iPad sometimes but usually I'll just lounge in bed like a potato and watch loads of videos on my phone.
- Hootsuite - I've only just downloaded this app but if you don't know about Hootsuite, it's a platform for all your social media accounts, so you can access multiple platforms at a time in one place. For example, you can check your twitter mentions, schedule tweets and update Facebook in one place.
Tell me about the apps you can't live without below in the comments, I'd love to know what's on your phones in a totally non-creepy way of course. Apps only people, apps only.
Friday, 14 August 2015
As always, there will be no spoilers in this Bookshelf post so if you haven't read the book then don't worry, hopefully you'll want to by the end of this feature!
You may notice a recurring theme with my Bookshelf posts, I'm kinda going through a creepy-thriller phase which is probably partly down to the fact I had a bit of a chick-lit binge while I was on holiday earlier this year and now that's out of my system I needed something a bit more gritty.
I picked up YOU, written by Caroline Kepnes, while in Tesco which I love for book-buying because almost all of their paperbacks are £3.97 or two for £7 so my mum and I usually end up leaving the weekly food shop with three or four books between us. Once again, I was drawn to this book because of the amazing one-liners and ratings that adorned the back cover. I also really liked the comparison to 'Gone Girls meets a sinister Girls' as I thoroughly enjoyed reading Gone Girl and I'm hooked on the TV show Girls.
When a beautiful, aspiring writer strides into the East Village bookstore where Joe Goldberg works, he does what anyone would do: he Googles the name on her credit card.
There is only one Guinevere Beck in New York City. She has a public Facebook account and Tweets incessantly, telling Joe everything he needs to know: she is simply Beck to her friends, she went to Brown University, she lives on Bank Street, and she’ll be at a bar in Brooklyn tonight—the perfect place for a “chance” meeting.
As Joe invisibly and obsessively takes control of Beck’s life, he orchestrates a series of events to ensure Beck finds herself in his waiting arms. Moving from stalker to boyfriend, Joe transforms himself into Beck’s perfect man, all while quietly removing the obstacles that stand in their way—even if it means murder.
YOU is different from a lot of other books I've read because it's told from the villain's point of view. You read the book from inside Joe's head and as a result you discover his deepest, darkest thoughts. He also refers to Beck as 'you' throughout the whole novel and although at first it was a little strange, after a while it made everything a little bit more personal and a lot creepier. This book isn't for the faint-hearted, it contains a lot of very mature themes and violence and just as you think Joe can't get any crazier, he does.
I found this book utterly mesmerizing and it only took me a couple of chapters to become absolutely hooked. I loved the inclusion of modern day movies and celebrities , for example Beck has an obsession with Pitch Perfect and Joe seems to mention Taylor Swift multiple times throughout the book. If you're looking for a thriller that will really test your boundaries then you will absolutely love YOU by Caroline Kepnes.
Have you read YOU or would you like to? Tweet at me @laurenfell or comment below to discuss!
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Life has been hectic lately and taking the time out to unwind and relax my mind and body has unfortunately taken a backseat. We all suffer from stressful days, weeks and even months whether it be at school, work or home but just remember that there are ways that you can give yourself some much-needed downtime. Here are some of my favourite ways:
Read a book
Reading can be a pleasant distraction when I'm feeling stressed. I can chill out on my bed and escape to another world for a couple of hours. I also find it really winds down my brain and gets me feeling chilled out and mellow, another reason why reading before bed is also really great.
Hitting the gym/pool
I had no energy or motivation last week to do anything once I'd got in from work except on Thursday when I attended my weekly aquacise class at the pool. The instructor is leaving in a week or two so I really didn't want to miss the last couple of sessions with her and I'm glad I didn't. I enjoyed the 45-minute class and even stayed for an extra half hour to get some lengths in too. It really helped to clear my mind, wear out my body and gave me a great appetite.
Watch a movie with your favourite snack
Eating healthily during the week can be tough, planning meals and counting calories is tricky business so being able to sit down in front of a movie - this time it was The Riot Club which I loved, if you haven't seen it then I totally recommend it - with a little bag of popcorn or a cup of tea and a Kit Kat makes me super happy and content. I turn the lights off, put my fairy lights and candles on for an even more chilled out atmosphere.
Browsing through blogs
Grabbing my iPad and a cup of tea while curling up on the sofa is one of my favourite ways to spend my downtime on a Sunday afternoon. I head straight to my favourite blogs to catch up on any newer posts I may have missed and I also pay my YouTube subscription box a visit to check out any new videos from my favourites.
Relaxing is all about doing things that make you happy, spending time on yourself doing things that you love. Relaxing and unwinding doesn't necessarily mean sitting in front of the television for eight hours straight, nor does it mean hitting the gym and completely wearing yourself out. Relaxing and unwinding is so personal and is all about giving your mind a well deserved rest so it's refreshed and ready to tackle another week of whatever life may throw at you!
How do you choose to relax when you're feeling stressed?
Saturday, 8 August 2015
I'm only 24 but as I stood in Superdrug next to a pair of fourteen-year-old's who were pondering over Zoella's new beauty range I've never felt older. However, that doesn't mean I'm ashamed to have snapped up almost every item from Zoe Sugg's new products, not one bit, as they are bloomin' brilliant!
Obviously, I've heard all about this collection and seeing as I never got round to trying anything from Zoe's first range, I just had to give these a go. After getting home and googling the newest line, I realised I had actually bought one of everything except the Foam Shower Gel, so I might have to grab that one next time I'm out and about and also the Cosmetic Purse.
I've given each of these products a go, except the Scrubbing Me Softly Body Scrub and the Fresh Fizz Bath Fizzer but I've posted loads of lovely pictures and first impressions of those products as well as everything else in this post so it's worth checking out.
Scrubbing Me Softly Smoothing Body Scrub, £7.00
There's one common theme that runs with each of these products and it's the heavenly, delicious fragrance. I love fruity, sweet smelling beauty and bath products and this body scrub definitely ticks that box. This product contains acai, coconut and blueberry so I'm sure you can imagine just how good it smells! I'm excited to use this product pre-self tanning as I think it will provide the perfect amount of exfoliation for a streak-free tan.
Kissy Missy Lip Balm, £3.00
The one thing I'd read online about this particular product was how well pigmented it is for a lip balm and that got me super excited. I currently use the rose tinted Vaseline balm on a daily basis so I was really looking forward to giving this a go. One layer of this tinted lip balm will give you a minimal-colour, nourishing lip balm but if you whack it on another one or two times then you can build up a beautiful bubblegum pink colour which not only smells amazing but also feels non-sticky and light to wear.
Let's Spritz Fragranced Body Mist, £8.00
On a day-to-day basis I'm definitely a body mist kinda gal, with Victoria's Secret Fresh & Clean Body Mist being my go-to for years now. However, I think the fragranced Let's Spritz Body Mist might just take the top spot from now on. Not only does it come in the prettiest bottle, with lace print and polkadots no less, but it smells fruity, floral and feminine; the perfect body mist combination in my opinion.
Candy Cream Softening Body Lotion, £5.00
Like the Smoothing Body Scrub, this cream contains acai and blueberry so it'll come as no surprise that it smells absolutely delish. What I love most about this cream is it leaves your skin feeling moisturised and nourished without feeling sticky or taking forever to absorb, which let's be honest, none of us have got time for!
Fresh Fizz Fragranced Bath Fizzer, £5.00
This pretty product looks and feels like a bar of chocolate, which is probably why there are stickers on each end and a note on the back reminding buyers not to eat it as it is not food which made me smile. I haven't given this one a go yet but I have opened it up to have a look and I love how it's split into four chunks which makes it easier to break off a piece and drop it into a lovely hot bath!
Have you tried any products from Zoella's new beauty range at Superdrug yet?
Monday, 3 August 2015
Being super tidy and organised never came naturally to me until about a month or so ago, when I decided to spend a decent amount of money on revamping my bedroom. I live at home with my parents and brother, partly because rent around Surrey costs a very pretty penny but mainly because I love living at home and have a pretty sweet deal here.
This means my bedroom is the one place in the house I can truly make my own and as we live in a small Victorian cottage-style house, I have to make the most of what I've got! I've worked hard over the last couple of months to really do some research and pull together a room that I can relax in and blog in too, so creating a work space that can also double up as a vanity table too was the most important task for me.
Let's talk technical. I've been lusting after the Alex drawers from Ikea for a long time so of course they were a key feature to my workspace, I purchased two of these to sit either side of the desk. The table top is the Linnmon table, also from Ikea.
The large mirror, lined with fairy lights helps open up my bedroom and of course comes in handy when I'm doing my make-up and hair each morning. As the Linnmon table top is so big, I've styled the table in two halves; on the left side, I've got all my everyday beauty products, kept neat and tidy in containers and drawers. These acrylic storage devices are from Homesense and my make-up brush holder is actually a plant pot from Ikea.
The right-side of my desk is primarily blog based. I don't like to clutter my desk up so I just keep my iPad, a notebook and in this case, the latest ASOS magazine which I was flipping through for inspiration to hand. My blogging camera lives on the shelf in that empty spot next to a collection of concert and show ticket stubs and I keep my laptop tucked away in one of the drawers.
I wanted to use the wall space above my desk for a gallery wall and these are two of my favourite purchases! I custom-ordered the gold foil print which features lyrics from one of my favourite Echosmith songs.
I used Pinterest - a lot - to get inspiration for my workspace area and I hope in turn this post inspires some of you guys, so let me know in the comments below and don't forget you can automatically pin any images on my blog instantly to your Pinterest, just hover over the image!
Sunday, 2 August 2015
As soon as payday comes around, so does an obligatory Boots haul. Mainly to replenish those necessary empties but also to take a good old look around and see what's new!
I already own a couple of the brushes in this Real Techniques Foundation/Base Core Collection, £21.99 set but I thought it would be nice to a) have duplicates for the brushes I already have, in case one set needs cleaning super urgently I can switch them out, and b) use a couple of brushes that I've never tried before, like the smaller detailing brush and the contouring brush.
I also really liked the look of Maybelline's Dream Bronze BB cream, £6.99. As the weather gets warmer, I like to wear less and less in the form of foundation so this bronzed BB cream fitted the bill perfectly. It also contains SPF 25 which is a huge bonus, I'll let you know how I get on with this BB during the week.
The new nude lipstick collection from Kate Moss for Rimmel, £5.49 have been all over the blogosphere lately so when I spied them in Boots today I just couldn't resist choosing a shade to take home. I opted for shade 45 which is a beautiful brown-based nude with a hint of pink (so don't worry, it won't look like you've got foundation on your lips). I'll be reviewing this product in full very soon so keep an eye out for that post.
Finally, I picked up this John Frieda Frizz Ease Secret Agent Touch-Up Creme, £4.00. I've been using Bleach London's Split Fix Serum to control my flyaways and to smooth out my ends for a long time now but as they were out of that in the store today I took the opportunity to look for something new to try out. I found this product and it looked like it would do the trick.
Full reviews for these products will be on the way once I've given them go so make sure you're following me on Bloglovin or Twitter for all of the updates.
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